Why: CVs are the most commonly used instrument for job and grant applications across many different fields, industries and cultures. The CV for most applications is severely limited with regard to length, but open ended with regard to content. Therefore, the structure of the CV, how and what content is conveyed, is ultimately left to the author.
We will explore: How do we decide what to include? How do we convey this depending on who we think will be reading it? What they want to know? How do we plan and make choices to build a future CV that helps us secure the job we want?
Date and time: 5/June 2020, 12.00-1.00
Place: Zoom, sign up here: https://forms.gle/V3ofxyXqWhTz6NZy9 and you will receive the link shortly before the seminar starts Target group: Early career researchers or researchers in multidisciplinary areas of work
- Building and adapting the CV for each application.
- Identifying and understanding the intended reader. What do they want and how can they receive the information in the easiest way?
- Communicating across disciplines and cultures.
- Identifying what our future CV needs to look like and how to get there.
Tools: This workshop will offer reflective tools to help you improve how you view your CV in future job and grant applications by understanding what messages or achievements you want to convey. It will also help you think about transitioning from a closed-question of ‘do I meet the criteria’ to and open-ended question of ‘how do I show that I meet the criteria’.
Presenter: Darcy Wagner is a senior lecturer and docent and is the head of the Lung Bioengineering and Regeneration group in the Department of Experimental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. Darcy has a multidisciplinary education background and has lived in the United States and Germany before coming to Sweden. She has been awarded several international grants and career awards. Her group is comprised of researchers with diverse science and engineering backgrounds as well as medical and veterinary backgrounds. They use inter and multidisciplinary approaches with an aim to develop new therapies for patients with lung disease.