The STEM Gender Equality Congress (SGEC) is a two-day conference hosted by Science Impact Ltd. It offers delegates an opportunity to hear from and interact with thought leaders in gender equality in STEM.
Attended by leading researchers, policy makers, equality staff, the private sector, academic staff, government representatives and NGOs, the congress offers a perfect opportunity to network, learn and collaborate to achieve greater gender equality in STEM.
Each year SGEC offers the best case studies, most important policy developments, and an opportunity to network with other delegates who are facing the same challenges in trying to balance gender equality in STEM around the globe.
All content from the 2017 event is now available at and will be soon available on Google Scholar.
There is an ongoing on process of developing the agenda for the 2018 event. As soon as possible WINGS receives the information, there will be a revelant article guiding you to the page of the 2018 event.