This year we are combining the WINGS annual meeting with a month-long exhibition about Marie Curie, her work, and her life as a woman scientist. In addition to the actual exhibition "Maria Sklodowska-Curie. A Polish in Paris”, which will run from 28th November 2019 to the 20th December 2019, Professor Curie’s grandson Professor Pierre Joliot-Curie, Associate Professor Wagner, and Professor Emeritus Niskanen will give lectures.
WHEN: November 28, 2019
WHERE: Astronomy House, Sölvegatan 27, 223 62 Lund
12:30 Inauguration of the Exhibition
13:00 Professor Pierre Joliot-Curie, Academie des sciences, grandson of the Nobel laureates Marie and Pierre Curie. Skills and environment for a woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize. Women and Science: An ever-present struggle.
14:00-14:30 Coffee
14:30 Dr. Darcy Wagner, Associate Professor at Lund University. Skills to make it in Science.
15:30 Professor Kirsti Niskanen, Professor Emeritus of History at Stockholm University. Access, acceptance, success - gendered integration and opportunity structures in academia.
16:30 Panel discussion: Helena Jernström, Professor at Oncology and Pathology, will join the previous speakers to discuss what´s needed to succeed in academia.
17:00-17:30 End & mingle
Last day to sign up 23/11, Register Here